The therapeutic methods and systems I work with have unique possibilities. All of them are based on the modern discoveries and achievements of neurophysiology, psychology and psychotherapy. They were created by leading scientists in the field of mental health.
Each of them can be used as a stand-alone therapy or combined with other methods.
The option to be combined in the therapeutic process allows the work to be enriched and more rewarding for clients. By choosing the most appropriate ways, I have the chance to support my clients in an individual way in accordance with their goals.
You can read more about the methods below:

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing® (SE) is a powerful psychobiological therapeutic approach for the treatment of mental, emotional trauma, which is oriented to work through awareness of sensations in the body.

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NARM – Neuro Affective Relational Model

This development-oriented, neuroscientific and informed model was developed by Dr. Lawrence Heller and described in the book “Treating Trauma in Development – How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image, and Communication Capacity.” Dr. Heller developed NARM based on several psychotherapeutic currents, including Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Attachment Theory, Cognitive Therapy, Gestalt Therapy and Somatic Experience, and the links between traditional psychotherapy and various somatic approaches in the context of relational practice. With the help of NARM the treatment of complex trauma is a means to change the personal and collective level.

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NeuroAffective Touch®

Negotiating trauma in development and relationship

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Restorative practices

Boryana Momerin is a certified appraiser and member of Restorative Practices Alliance (Association for restorative practices).

In traditional and tribal cultures around the world, when people were thrown out of the main line of security and affection, then there was knowledge of restorative practices that would bring them back to peace and balance.

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Bodynamic, a system for somatic psychology and analysis, is a pioneering method of somatic development psychology and psychotherapy that integrates modern research into children’s psychomotor development, cognitive and depth psychotherapy, brain research and special emphasis on contact quality and healthy relationships.

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Safe and Sound Protocol

Nourish and awaken your nervous system. Feel better. Think better. Connect better with others and the world around you.

The Safety and Sound Health Protocol (PES) is a non-invasive application of the Polyvagal Theory, based on decades of research and development by Dr. Stephen Porges, Chief Scientific Adviser at Unyte. Polyvagal Theory gives us an understanding of how, depending on the state of our Autonomic Nervous System through three pathways in the Parasympathetic or Sympathetic state, we have access to a connection with others and the world around us, or we are in a state of defense – fight / flight or freeze freeze.

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